for solo percussion (Commissioned by Caleb Herron) (2006) 9′
- Premiered => Ensemble Surplus, June in Buffalo Festival; 6.8.2006.
- Presented => June in Buffalo, UAF New Music Festival.
- Recorded => In with the New Volumn No. 2 (Caleb Herron - Percussion).
Program Notes:
Facture No. 2 (2006) for solo percussion is the second work in a series of solo works composed with a rigid compositional process focused on form and structure of gestures. Facture (french) - a construction, a making, a work fo art, or in this case, a musical construction. The work is organized by timbre (unpitched-metal, pitched-metal, skin, and wood) and makes use of an incipit, as well as stochastic and serial processes.
Facture No. 2 was composed with the use of algorithmic composition tools programmed in Max/MSP.