for trumpet trio (2023) 4'30"
Verity (2023), for trumpet trio, is a short work in three movements that takes inspiration from the orchestrational role of brass instruments. The trumpet is a weapon, and the composer calls on it when [s]he wants to stab the listener in the head with an idea! I was told something to this effect during a trumpet lesson many years ago – I believe I was playing an excerpt from Stravinsky’s Firebird without using enough air when this nugget was delivered. While this is rather graphic, there is some truth to it. Also, I imagine it is a sentiment that would resonate with many brass players. This orchestrational idea pairs nicely in my mind with the notion of relaying facts via trumpet – the presentation of universal truths, etc. The movements follow the narrative of I. What is, is; II. !Iff (read as, “Not if and only if”), and III. Method.
Verity is a continuation of the composer’s research into computer-assisted algorithmic composition. It is an exploration of the use of sequencing, sonification of text, and rotational arrays. It was composed with the use of Ableton Live 11 and Supercollider software.